Thursday, May 5, 2011

Communism and children

So I have 3 sons, V is almost 8, O is 4, and R just turned 3. I had V when I was fairly young (and unmarried...but that's a post for another day). When it was just V and me- things were lovely. He listened to me all the time, was super smart and fantastically well behaved. Then O and R came along, and don't get me wrong, I adore my 3 little minions more than words can say but now that I am a bit older (30 to be specific, I almost killed myself on my last birthday, but that too I will save for another post) I have realized some stuff. One of which being that when you have multiple offspring, communism is really the only way to manage things.
  For example, yesterday on the way home from preschool, O and R found a bag of frosted mini wheats in the car. One ziplock bag - 2 brothers.....dun dun dun. Immediately they began to bicker and argue. My solution: give mommy the bag and each child received 5, and only 5 mini wheats. Communism, with a splash of dictatorship. There were more mini wheats in the bag, but as 5 was the number I had decided on, 5 was it. 
  Communism works on so many levels. Each child gets the same number of Christmas gifts. At the McDonalds drive through: "Hi I need 3 happy meals, all for boys, and the same toy in all 3 please." At the bank window, "Would your boys like a sucker?" (that's what people call lollipops here). "Why yes thanks, all 3 the same color please".
    Don't get me wrong, it fails sometimes. This is most often seen when one brother loses or breaks his toy, and then immediately claims that the one which is lost or broken is his brothers, and his is in fact the intact, non lost toy. This can be tricky to negotiate because all 3 boys do have the exact same toy, so this is a judgment call, but really no system is perfect so what can you do?

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